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About Us

Mission Statement

To honor America's senior veterans with a trip to Washington D.C. to visit the nation's memorials.

To help them share their stories.

To celebrate and affirm their service and homecoming.

Honoring Our Senior Veterans


Honor Flight Columbus is a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring America’s veterans with a trip to Washington DC to visit their service and war memorials.  These trips are free of charge to any qualified veteran. We strive to help veterans share their stories with future generations, as well as celebrate their service to our country with a proper homecoming that many of them never received. With the conclusion of the 2023 flight season, we have successfully flown 128 missions that totaled over 9,300 veterans. Our organization is funded entirely by donations from various businesses, foundations, school organizations, and other grateful Americans.


Honor Flight Columbus accepts applications from America’s Senior Veterans: Currently, these are the men and women, age 65 and over, who served at least one day of FULL TIME active duty (outside of any basic training active duty). For scheduling, top priority is given to WWII, Korea and terminally ill veterans.


Veterans are placed on a waiting list and are booked in the order that we receive their applications. WWII, Korea and terminally ill veterans receive priority and are booked on the first available flight.


Board of Directors & Staff

Founded: 2006

Board Members and Staff:

Executive Committee

  • Jason Black, Chair

  • Phil Bronsdon, Vice Chair

  • April VanDervort, Secretary

  • Franz Messner, Treasurer

  • Roger Dyer

  • Ezra Escudero

  • Rob Fichter

  • Heidi Hrabcak

  • Todd Kasper

  • Michael Schoedinger

  • Chrishonda Smith

  • Bonnie Sparhawk

  • Terri Swank

  • Bobbi Richards, Emeritus Director

  • Bill Richards, Emeritus Director



  • Beth Johnson

Executive Director



  • Megan Jacob

Director, Veteran Operations



  • Haley Wilkinson​

Director of Outreach



  • Celeste Bradshaw​

Director of Volunteer Operations



Board of Directors
Need A Speaker?

We have knowledgeable speakers who are glad to meet with members of your organization.


Just call 614-284-4987 or e-mail us at to schedule a speaker.

  • How much does it cost? How much money do I need to bring?
    There is no cost to the Veterans once they have arrived at the airport. Honor Flight Columbus does not pay for parking or overnight accommodations.
  • How are you funded?
    Honor Flight Columbus is funded by donations from grateful Americans, civic, fraternal, and social clubs, schools, foundations and businesses in Central Ohio that recognize the great accomplishments and sacrifices of veterans and want them to see their memorials.
  • Can I make a donation to Honor Flight?
    Honor Flight Columbus gratefully accepts donations from anyone. Please see the donation link on the homepage.
  • How do you decide which veterans get to go?
    Honor Flight Columbus accepts applications from America’s Senior Veterans: Currently, these are the men and women, age 65 and over, who served at least one day of FULL TIME active duty (outside of any basic training active duty). For scheduling, top priority is given to WWII, Korea and terminally ill veterans.
  • Are terminally ill veterans given any special priority?
    YES! Qualified veterans with a terminal medical diagnosis will be booked on the first available seat on an upcoming Honor Flight Columbus flight as part of our TLC Program. Please call us for more information.
  • Can my wife/husband go with me?
    Sorry, no. The only spouses permitted to go are those who are qualifying veterans themselves.
  • What if the veteran is on oxygen or will need a wheelchair?
    WHEELCHAIRS -- About 60% of the veterans use wheelchairs. The motor coaches used in Washington are equipped with wheelchair lifts. If there is a possibility that a veteran may need a wheelchair during one of our trips, we ask that the veteran make that known on their application. Please note, Honor Flight Columbus will provide wheelchairs. No personal wheelchairs can be used. OXYGEN -- If the veteran requires oxygen, a prescription for the oxygen must be provided by the veteran's healthcare provider, identifying the delivery method (mask or nasal cannula), frequency (as needed or continuously), and the rate of delivery (liters per minute). Honor Flight Columbus will provide an FAA-approved portable oxygen concentrator for use during the trip.
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